9.1.1. Road transport that effects carriage of hazardous cargoes must be equipped and provided with essential fire-fighting appliances according to standards (Annex 2) of Preventive Fire-Fighting Regulations of Ukraine.
9.1.2. Diesel locomotives, trucks, truck loaders or travelling cranes are prohibited from approaching piles of hazardous cargoes of Class 1-4 (IMDG Code) nearer than 5 m and tractor – nearer than 10 m provided they have no spark extinguisher on exhaust pipes.
9.1.3. Truck loaders, trucks and other machinery with internal combustion engines that are not equipped with spark extinguishers may not allowed to be used in cargo handling operations in warehouses or in the same involving hazardous cargoes.
9.1.4. Usage of electric heating devices without special permit of Chief Power Engineer Department and Fire-fighting Service of Port is not allowed. Usage of temporary iron stoves for the purpose of premises heating is not permitted in the Port territory.
9.1.5. Job foreman carrying out operations with inflammable liquids and combustible liquids shall provide the place of operation with fire-fighting posts.
9.1.6. Fire hydrants, fire passages and access passages may not be piled or lumbered. Free space around fire hydrants must be at least 5-meter in radius.
9.1.7. Substances or materials with unknown fire-hazardous properties are not allowed to be kept or used.
9.1.8. Supervision over compliance with fire-fighting regime at facility and control of serviceable condition and readiness for use of all fire-extinguishing devices shall rest on chief of the facility or on persons authorized by the latter.
9.1.9. All fire hydrants and fire cocks of the Port facilities shall be kept in constant readiness for operation and subject to technical maintenance every six months.
9.1.10. The territories of fuels and lubricants warehouses (FLW), petrol stations (PS) and open sites for storage of bottled liquids must permanently be kept clean, and spilt flammable and combustible liquids must be promptly removed. The above mentioned territories must be marked with relevant warning signs according to GOST 12.4.026-76.
9.1.11. Floor, ceiling, walls and equipment in the premises, where flammable dust or borings are produced, must periodically be cleaned according to corresponding schedules approved by chiefs of the facilities.
9.1.12. Fire escapes and exits must be kept free and encumbered with no furniture, equipment, cut or sliced materials, etc.; should fire arise, security and evacuation of all people from the premises must be provided for. All doors of fire passages must open freely towards exits from buildings.
9.1.13. Passages across railways must be made as solid floorings on the level of rails. Fire passages across railways must always be free for fire-engines passing. Railway cars may not stand on the passages without locomotives. Information about closure of road sections for repair (or due to other reasons) must be promptly advised to fire department over the telephone numbers 9-17-01 and 9-35-01.
9.1.14. Areas of hazardous cargoes transhipment, warehouse premises and open sites intended for storage of hazardous cargoes must be provided with relevant warning signs according to GOST 12.4.026-76. Road transport is not allowed to pass or stand in dangerous areas, where hazardous cargoes are transhipped, if such vehicles are not connected with cargo handling operations.
9.1.15. All fire-hazardous work in temporary places (electric or gas welding or gas cutting work connected with the use of open flame) in the buildings or structure in the Port territory and on ships moored at the Port piers shall comply with Standard ITP STP 195-518-2004 and be approved by the Port Fire-fighting Service on the day before commencement of such work.
9.1.16. Railway trains standing in close vicinity of ships moorages must keep at a distance of at least 5 meters to ladders, which provides for availability of evacuation passage to ship ladder.
9.1.17. Directors of rental and outside enterprises or joint ventures that are located in the SCPI territory shall provide for unimpeded access to their facilities for authorized personnel of the Port Fire-fighting Service for the purpose of fire preventive work.
9.2.1. Compliance with fire prevention regime in Port is supervised by the Port Fire-fighting Service.
9.2.2. Only personnel of the Port Fire-Fighting Service may inspect fire-prevention condition of ships flying Ukrainian Flag in the Port water area and issue Certificate of Ship’s Fire Safety.
9.2.3. Ships anchored at the Port piers and on the roads are bunkered with liquid fuel by bunkering ships. As a rule, bunkering operations in Port take place in the daytime. Port Management may permit to bunker in the night. If such is the case, additional fire safety measures must be taken. Area and place of bunkering are additionally illuminated and due preventive measures are taken concerning bunker splashing.
Bunker may be received from or discharged to tanks trucks subject to work coordination with the Port Fire-fighting Service.
9.2.4. Bunker operations on the outer roads are subject to Port Master’s permission. Possibility of such operation depending on weather conditions is determined by Port Master together with Ship Masters that take part in bunkering operation.
9.2.5. During handling operations, which involve explosive or fire-hazardous cargoes, reinforced fire post is arranged on board and beside the Port piers or fire-fighting boat duty is organized. Ship Master shall make application for arrangement of such fire post or fire-fighting boat duty organization and compensate for costs relevant to such reinforced fire-preventive supervision according to the established tariffs.
If Ship Master fails to satisfy the requirements of this Clause handling operations with the above mentioned cargoes shall be prohibited.
9.2.6. Mooring of oil tankers in load or in ballast with degassed tanks and ships carrying 3rd-class cargoes as per IMDGC to the Port piers may be permitted subject to special coordination with Fire-fighting Service of Port.
Mooring of oil tankers in ballast with non-degassed tanks to the Port piers (except for pier of the JSC IFT) is not allowed.
Bunkering ships are prohibited to moor broadside one to another.
9.2.7. For towing non-self-propelled ships carrying dangerous goods on board, operation of bunkering ship and the towed ship permits of the Register and Fire-fighting Service of Port are required; available must be at least two steel fire lines (on forecastle and stern) lowered down to 2 meters over the water level, and exhaust ducts of the ICE must be equipped with spark-extinguishers.
9.2.8. Ship having dangerous goods on board or involved in bunkering operations must show the following signals:
- In the daytime – fly the BRAVO Flag according to the IMDGC; and
- In the night-time – put up a red light.
9.2.9. Temporary work involving fire risk on ships moored at the Port piers may only be allowed after prior coordination of permission with an officer of Fire-fighting Service of Port.
Crew members are prohibited from carrying out such fire-risk work (electric or gas welding or gas cutting).
Fire-risk work must be stopped at the first requirement of representative of the State Fire Supervision Department, the Port Fire-fighting Service, ISPS, ship or Port administration.