
Code of Customs of Nikolaev Sea Port


The following loading and discharge rates per weather working day are standard in Nikolayev Commercial Sea Port:

Description of Cargo Loading Discharging
Bulk grain (wheat, et. if otherwise specified) - 2000
Bulk ground oil-саке, tapioca, malt - 1200
Bulk sugar - 1300
Bulk ore (iron, titanium, etc. if not otherwise specified) 6000 1000
Bauxite ore in bulk - 3000
Cargo in bags 600 600
Citrus fruit - 300
General cargo in bales, barrels and cases 600 500
Metal bars up to 8 m 1300 1000
Metal bars over 8 m 1600 1200
Pipes up to 1000 mm in diameter - 800
Pipes over 1000 mm in diameter   1000
Pipes in bundles - 1200
ISO containers - 150
Metals in ingots, pigs, blanks 1000 750
Pig iron 1500 -
Scrap metal 1300 -
Bulk magnesite (m/v Type bulkar) - 2200
Bale cotton 400 500

Note: The listed loading and discharge rates do not refer to general and packaged cargoes when the weight of one package exceeds 3 tons.