
Code of Customs of Nikolaev Sea Port


The following expressions used in documents and referred to in the present Code are intended to mean the following:

"About (...) date" within 5 days before of after the date
"About the beginning of the month" from the first to the 10-th day of the month
"About the middle of the month" from the 10-th day to the 20-th day of the month
"About the end of the month" from the 21 st day to the end of the month
"The middle of the month" the 15-th day of the month
"The end of the month" last day of the month
"At the end of a month or at the beginning of (the next) month" within the last 5 days of the present month and the first 5 days of the next month
"In the first half of the month" from the 1st to the 15-th day of the month
"In the second half of the month" from the 16-th to the last day of the month
"Fairly spread over the season" ships are accepted to the port or goods are shipped over the month regular intervals
"On first open water" the ship is accepted to the port so that the loading can be commenced within 3 weeks after official announcement of summer navigation
"Running days" lay time shall count on successive calendar days, including foul weather days, Sundays and holidays
"Running days, Sundays and holidays excepted" lay time shall count on successive calendar days, Sundays and holidays excluded
"Free in" loading is performed on the terms of lifting the cargo up to the railing for shipper's account and loading from the ship's railing into holds, including trimming and stowage, for ship owner's account
"Free in, stowed and trimmed" cargoes are loaded from the shore into the ship's holds, stowed and trimmed for Shipper's account
"Free out, stowed and trimmed" cargo is unloaded from ship’s holds onto quay, barge, railway car or truck for Consignee's account
"Loading (discharge) of cargoes including trimming and stowage for vessel's account" cargo is delivered alongside onto the sling by Shipper. Cargo is loaded over into holds, trimmed and stowed by the ship’s crew. When discharging, cargo is transferred from hold onto berth alongside by ship’s crew;
Consignee receives cargo alongside from the sling
"Acceptance or delivery of cargo alongside, on the berth" ship shall take in/deliver cargo alongside, on the berth within the operating range of marine cargo handling gear
"Full and complete argo" Charterer shall make full use of ship's cargo capacity, taking into account her draft, fuel, water and other on-board supplies
’Whether used or not’ Sundays, holidays and also other excluded time periods shall not count as lay time, whether loading or discharging was performed or not
"Sundays and holidays expected unless used" actual time used for loading/discharge during Sundays and holidays shall not count as lay time
"In regular turn with other ships" ship is berthed in regular turn with other vessels arriving at port
"In the berth or not" lay time shall commence from the moment the notice of readiness has been given by the ship master, whether the ship is in berth or not
"Weather working day" Sundays, holidays and foul weather periods shall not count as lay time