5.1. The ship master or his agent shall advise the port on the arrival of the ordered ship at least 10 days prior to the expected time of arrival (ETA) and give corrected notice 72, 24 and 4 hours prior to ship's ETA stating:
- the names of shipowner and Charterer;
- verified time of arrival to ice edge, pilot station (reception buoy);
- draft;
- cargo-plan (if ship arrives for discharging);
- full information on available shipping documents;
- need for fuel, water, other supplies and services;
- absence of sanitary and other restrictions, which make the ship not ready for cargo handling;
- other information about the ship and ca?go, including dangerous cargo, which maybe required to provide normal servicing of the ship.
5.2. The ship, master shall give the Port Authorities through his agent immediate notice of delay, which may cause the ship's arrival after the indicated ETA. Otherwise, if no information is received by the port or the submitted by the ship master information is inaccurate or overdue, the ship’s lay time will be increased by 24 hours.
If a necessity of putting in the inner roads for replenishment or other purposes prises, the Shipowner shall bear all the expenses relating to such putting her in, including the expenses for using the port's tug to ensure safety while lying in the inner roads.
though. Agent on the conditions of pilotage and ice-breaker's assistance into the port, berth number or anchorage point in the roadstead, indicated by the Port Authorities, and expected time of berthing.5.4. In case of ship's arrival after the indicated time, all relating to this expenses and losses (demurrage of transport, idle labour, storage expenses, etc.) shall be for ship’s account.
5.5. The ship master shall be responsible for any consequences resulting from giving wrong information on the ship's draft, length overall, beam or net register tonnage.