11.1. Sanitary-and-Quarantine inspection of ships arriving at departing from Port is executed day and night.
Masters of all ships coming from foreign ports shall notify the Sanitary-and-Quarantine Service of sanitary and epidemiological condition of their ships and of contagious crew personnel on board or of passengers running a high temperature through their agency firms.
Besides, all ships bound for the ISRY shall possess a permit issued by Sanitary-and-quarantine Service and also permits issued by the Customs and Border Services.
11.2. Agent of Ukrainian or foreign ship sailing from abroad shall advise the Sanitary-and-Quarantine Service of ship’s time of arrival by a telephone message within 12 hours before arrival or, if the passage takes less than 48 hours, within 6 hours prior to arrival. The telephone message sent to the Sanitary-and-Quarantine Service must include the following information: ship name, port of registry, flag, number and health condition of crew personnel and passengers, availability and grade of sewage waters decontamination system and information about cargo.
Should Ship Master notify that the situation on ship is unfavorable or that there are sick crew members or passengers on board, such ship shall be put at Anchorage no. 351 (following the CSTR instructions) until further notice.
11.3. On ship’s arrival to Port Ship Master shall submit the following documents to the Sanitary-and Quarantine Service:
- Maritime Sanitary Declaration;
- 1 copy of Crew List;
- General and Cargo Declaration;
- Information about toxicological (radiation) safety of load;
- Information about availability of sewage decontamination and purification plant on board that operates in designed mode or a collecting tank; and
- Other documents provided by Conventions and Treaties.
11.4. In case of arrival or standing on the roads of ship with fumigated cargo (grain, ground oil-cake, tapioca, etc.) sanitary inspection shall be carried out involving toxicologist, who shall assess safety of commission members’ work in fumigation zone.
11.5. Pier no. 18 is designed for anti-epidemic operations and ships deratization; for a period of relevant operations it shall vacated, provided with power supply and have free approaching ways for automobile transport.
The pier territory is sufficiently illuminated in the night-time and supplied with operating hydrant and telephone communication.
Ships are deratized following direction of the Sanitary-and-Quarantine Service. Ship Master shall submit application for deratisation to the Preventive Disinfection Unit.
11.6. Masters of deratized ships shall ensure security and safety of their ships and provide for raising the recommended signals.
11.7. Ships arriving with food cargo or dangerous goods (including radioactive ones) shall each time inform the Port Sanitary- and-Quarantine service thereof for the purpose of making decision as to their handling and taking corresponding sanitary measures.
11.8. Port accepts no sanitarily dangerous cargoes (skin/hide raw materials and other animal products) in connection with unavailability conditions for their handling. Acceptance and forwarding of animals are prohibited.
11.9. In the summer-time roads and vacant cargo areas in Port used by transport are required to be periodically watered.
11.10. Goods stored in the Port warehouse premises and perishable materials shall be removed from the Port territory without delay subject to report issued by the Sanitary-and-epidemiologic Station.
11.11. Public conveniences must comply with sanitary requirements, be annually cleaned, flushed with water and disinfected on a systematic basis.
11.12. Warehouse Managers shall immediately notify the Port Preventive Disinfection Units of all incidents of injurious insect’s appearance. Cargoes are prohibited from being warehoused in pest-infested warehouses prior to disinfection of the latter.
11.13. Food cargoes and loads of animal products may be taken away from the Port territory subject to permit issued by the Sanitary-and-Epidemiological Station.
11.14. Doors of service buildings and warehousing premises and also stairs/ladders, corridors and other places of public usage in the Port territory shall be maintained clean by owners (users) of the houses and premises on their account.
11.15. Trash-bins shall timely be cleaned and disinfected. For the purpose of providing free access to trash-bins the territory around such may not be piled up with cargoes.
11.16. Places intended for collection and short-time storage of the port wastes should be arranged on special ground sections with improved paving at a distance of 25 m from canteens, refreshment rooms and production and auxiliary buildings.
11.17. Organizations or persons responsible for sanitary state of institutions, warehousing and other premises shall keep Sanitary Journals to be provided at first request of personnel of Sanitary-and-Epidemiologic Station for the purpose of making records.
Requirements of the Sanitary Supervising Service set out in Certificates of Sanitary Inspection shall be satisfied within a recommended period.
11.18. All institutions and persons trading in foodstuffs in the Port territory shall comply with sanitary requirements and rules concerning cleanness and order in foodstuffs selling places, medical examination and neatness of personnel and quality of sold food products.
11.19. For the purpose of prevention of intrusion of rats (or other rodents) from the shore on the ship all mooring lines shall be supplied with preventive shields dia. 720 mm, not less, to be kept on the mooring lines during all period of the ship’s standing by the pier.
In the night-time, when cargo handling operations are sopped, loading ramps and accommodation ladders shall be either withdrawn or lifted over the pier for a height of at least 1 meter provided they are sufficiently illuminated.
11.20. Biological treatment systems (if any) on ships must be operated according to such system instruction manual. During ship’s anchorage at the pier or on the roads Ship Master shall be responsible for quality of purification of sewages and flushing waters. Sanitary-and-Quarantine Service carries out laboratory control over efficiency of such purification.
11.21. When executing the Sanitary-and Quarantine Department permit for departure Ship Master shall provide access to all ship premises, produce medical certificates and the same of crew personnel, 1 copy of Crew List and receipt confirming that garbage and sewages have been disposed of into the Port facilities.
Permit for the Port leaving shall be issued on a special form certified with round seal; as a rule such permit is executed on board of ship.
11.22. The permit of the Sanitary-and Quarantine Department for the Port leaving shall be valid within 24 hours of its issuance and is produced for the purpose of executing right to depart from Port.
Ships of local communication may obtain such permit for a longer period (but not exceeding 1 month).
11.23. Should cargo be fumigated with phosphine preparations (inserting phosphine into cargo), ship shall leave Port within 2 hours of fumigant application and holds closure. Survey shall commence immediately after inserting the fumigant into the cargo and sealing the holds.
11.24. Under applications of ship agents Port shall provide the Port SQD officials with launches for performance of sanitary survey of ships standing on the roads, execution of arrivals and also for taking epidemic-preventive measures on the said ships.
11.25. The State Sanitary Supervising Bodies shall supervise compliance with sanitary-and-epidemiological rules provided by these Binding Regulations. Violation of such rules shall be penalized according to Law of Ukraine “On Sanitary and Epidemiologic Wellbeing of Population” dated 24.02.1994 no. 4005- ХП and “Sanitary Regulations for Maritime and River Ports”.