Statistics of sea ports and railways of Ukraine for 2014 shows that in 2009 the economic situation was worse than it is now.
In past year, despite the situation in country, the ports show a general trend growth rate of 10.8 % and export cargo handling at the level of 15-17%. A performance of railways even in January-June were almost at the 2013 level (-1.2 %). Only in July and August began sharp decline due to the situation in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
As a result, in 2014 the total volume of cargo handling at Ukrainian sea ports grew by 4 % and amounted 142,795.60 thousand tons. According to SE ‘Ukrainian Sea Ports Authorities’ (SE ‘USPA’), the seaports of Ukraine processing of exported goods increased by 8.5 %, import goods decreased by 10.3 %, transit decreased by 9 %.
Over the year, the largest port became Yuzhny (47,431.70 t, + 9.2 %), Odessa (24,579.10 t, + 6.1%), Nikolaev (20,802.80 t, 2,5 %), Ilichevsk (17,613.20 t, + 7,0 %), Mariupol (13,003.20 t, -16.1 %).
As for railway transport, the situation is much worse. Total voluem of cargo transportation decreased by 12.2 % and amounted 389,702.30 thousand tons, mainly due to internal transportation, by 20.3 % (up to 182,661.80 thousand tons). Export cargos fell by 2.9 % (up to 141,323.40 thousand tons), transit cargos by 13.3 % (up to 29,505.90 thousand tons). Only increased traffic of imported cargos by 3.7 % (up to 36,211.20 thousand tons).
Almost half of the losses arisen is due to reduction of coal transportation in domestic traffic, at 25,451.10 tons.
However, the situation is not as grim as during the crisis of 2008-2009. Remember, that the collapse of transportation volume and transshipment in ports began in October 2008.
So, if we compare the results of the very poor in January-September 2009, with the most successful 2008, the picture is as follows. Then railway cargo turnover decreased by 30.9 %, transit cargo by 39.4 %, average daily loading of 27%. And in sea ports, transshipment decrease by 21.0 %.
However, if trends of recent months will be taking place, Ukraine will return to the worst performance of 2009 by May-June.